Nadya Chaerunissa
CS :Good
Morning, KFC is here. With I am Nerissa .
Can I help you?
Nerissa :Could I speak
with Ms. Nana, please?
CS :Who
is calling?
Nerissa :Hello,
this is Nerissa speaking
CS :What
company are your calling from?
Nerissa :Anggrek
ice cream
CS :Could
you please spell your name
Nerissa :Sure,
it`s N-E-R-I-S-S-A
CS :Ok, one
moment, please. I will transfer your call
Rani :Hello
Nerissa :Is
this Ms. Nana?
Nana :Yes
I am
Nerissa :I
am Nerissa owner Anggrek Ice cream . Ms. Nana I’am so
because I can`t present to the meeting today . because
I have
problem with my car on the Sudirman Street.
The car was suddenly got slip and the cannot move.
Nana :Well,
I will set up my schedule with my secretary to make
appointment in the next time.
Nerissa :Thank
you for cooperation Ms. Nana
Nana :You
are wellcome
CS :Good
Morning, KFC is here. With I am Nerissa,
Can I help
Nerissa :This
is Nerissa from anggrek ice cream. May i speak with
Mr. Afif please?
am sorry, he`s not available at the moment, he`s in a
meeting , Would you like
to leave a message?
Nerissa :Yes.
Can you have Afif call me back when he is
available? My name Nerissa, and he can reach me at 0822887646532
CS :Its
Nerissa at 0822887646532. Can i tell him what this is
Nerissa :He
sent over a fax, and the lasp page didn`t print out. I will
need for him to resend the fax to me.
will let him know.
Nerissa :Thank
CS :Thank
you for calling KFC
Nerissa :Good
CS :Bye
CS : Good
Morning, KFC is here. With I am Nerissa,
Can I help you?
Nerissa :This
is Nerissa from anggrek ice cream. May i speak with Mr. Afif
am sorry, he`s not available at the moment, he`s in a
Nerissa :Could
I take Mr. Afif number please?
CS :Yes
he`s number 0822887646532, You can call at the working
Hours 9.00 am – 03.00 pm
Nerissa :Thank
CS :Thank
you for calling KFC
Nerissa :Good
CS :Bye
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