Nama : Nadya Chaerunissa
Kelas : 3eb37
Npm : 27214756
Requesting a Sevice
December 13, 2015
Andreas William
ABC Apartments
DKI Jakarta
Dear Mr. William,
I am writing to request that you fix the leaky radiator pipes in Jane
Smith's apartment. Jane is my patient and lives at 123 Moldy Way. Jane is
asthmatic and allergic to molds.
A Board of Health inspection found mold in the bedroom. The inspector
found that the leaky pipes caused the mold. Jane's asthma is worsened by her
allergy to mold. Mold can cause a restriction of her airways, which can lead to
hospitalization or death.
The Board of Health requires that all leased housing be free of chronic
dampness. This apartment is not free of chronic dampness. The mold in the
apartment, therefore, violates the law against chronic dampness in addition to
significantly worsening Jane's health.
I request that you immediately remedy this problem by fixing the leaky
radiators. Please contact me at (010) 231-2365 if you have any questions. Thank
you for your time and consideration.
Dr. Jacky
Letter Confirming a
Dear Mr. Jacky,
Thank you for your email
would like to apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment that you
experienced on the negligence of the radiator pipe in our apartments. We assure
you that your complaint will provide an opportunity to correct the problem that
makes one of your family in the hospital and we will be responsible for any
inconvenience. We will also improve our mistakes to improve our service
further. In order for us to continue the feedback and complaints on this issue,
we would appreciate if you could give us your telephone number. Again, our
sincere apologies and we look forward to serving you. If you need further
assistance, you are welcome to contact our receptionist.
Andreas William